Daily Archives: June 5th, 2012

Educational Rock Stars

I attended my girlfriend’s son’s graduation recently. He will be attending an Ivy League school for undergrad in the fall after being homeschooled for the past 12 years-yah! So excited for them.
I’m hoping she starts a consulting business of sorts to help families make wise decisions through high school.
It’s so inspirational to see families like theirs who are committed to academic excellence.


So looking forward to a summer break

So busy with activities. I hear lots of Moms and schools are finished for the school year. I still have another couple of weeks to go, maybe longer. I’m not sure if it’s my teaching style, the curricula I’m using, or what that makes me a little slower on finishing. Regardless, I am ready for a break.
My daughter’s expression on her face could represent how I feel right about now!



