Daily Archives: August 20th, 2012

Virtual charter schools in NJ




Joe Kernen vs Paul O’Neill on fixing education-CNBC…As you can imagine, they didn’t solve anything.


Click on the link, and you can watch the video on the right side of the screen.  Mr. O’Neill opts for individual assessments at an early age.  Joe Kernen thinks teacher evaluations are the answer.

Here’s my skinny….

Schools can only help a child so much, and they are not the sole answer to potentially ensuring a well-rounded human being.  Too much emphasis is placed on schools and teachers solving the problems or producing superheroes when, in fact, the emphasis should be on what’s happening in a child’s home environment.  The home environment is the foundation, the central influence if you will, in how that child will ultimately develop.  Teachers can shape and intervene when necessary, but it all goes back to what’s occurring at the root, and the root is the home environment.
