Juilliard’s position on homeschool applicants

I”m always looking into different environments, places, and things to expose my kids to.  I was looking over Juilliard’s website thinking I might take them on a tour of the school.  Ran across their response to homeschoolers applying..

Are admissions requirements different for home-schooled students?
“The Juilliard School recognizes home schooling as a viable educational alternative; however, there are important and explicit regulations governing acceptable documentation. Home-schooled applicants are expected to complete the Home Schooling Information Form on the online application. This information should include the submission of a full outline of the curriculum by subject, including textbooks for each course; assessment procedures and grades; and evidence of official recognition by the school district and/or state department of education. Juilliard reserves the right to rescind admission to any applicant whose file documentation is deemed insufficient and/or incomplete”



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