Daily Archives: February 15th, 2013

Heart dissections on Valentine’s

How appropriate to dissect sheep hearts on Valentine’s day. The older boys participated in a homeschool workshop at one of our local museums. The topic of discussion was on the heart anatomy, its function in the body, and other parts of the circulatory system.
This morning before we left for the museum the kids watched a few Brainpop videos on the circulatory system, and on the drive over I discussed the heart in more detail. I enjoyed learning anatomy in med school, so this field trip was a real treat for me. I even put on a pair of gloves and goggles to help teach on the parts. I was a bit concerned that our second son might not want to participate in the dissection. He was not at all excited about the thought of playing with a real heart while we were going over the details. To my surprise, though, he really enjoyed the dissection and participated in the event in its entirety. Sometimes, you just never know. That’s one reason I’m a big fan of exposing them to many fields of study. Who knows what might spark their interests.
We spent the day at the museum, so we did not cover anything academically at home upon return. Tonight was full of cards and chocolates and stuffed animals and flowers. I guess we all succumb to these retail holidays. Last night hubby and I celebrated Valentine’s day. Gotta make time for each other…
We will keep pressing on with academics over the next few days even though many of our surrounding schools have a four day weekend. I don’t really see the point of that. If anything, I’ll have the kids recite the names of the presidents:)













