Daily Archives: February 16th, 2013

Avenues-elite private school with homeschooling similarities?


Two things I noted as I was looking over their curriculum.  They are offering Mandarin Chinese/Spanish for all grades, and they are using Singapore Math (check).


Giving your child the Myers-Briggs personality test

My google search most recently was on how to identify your child’s strengths/weaknesses/interests which eventually led me to reading on the Myers-Briggs personality test. Lot of stuff there to digest which then took me to another homeschooling mom’s blog by the name of Penelope Trunk.  I’d never heard of her before, but she’s got some interesting articles on her site.  I’ve listed a couple of them below that peaked my interests along with a site that tells you how to offer the MB test yourself online.  I may do this with my older kids after I read a bit more about the test. Seems like the results have the potential to help you and your child focus of things that would be of interest to him versus wasting time on activities or areas that would not be as compatible with how they are inherently wired.  2:00 a.m here., time for bed..



