Can’t think that far ahead with the hoagies flying

My husband was going over the calendar for Saturday (today’s Tuesday), and I just had to stop him. I told him that was too far away for me to think about, and I was just trying to get through all of the things for tonight. He knows, of course, the drill and does the same thing to me. We just take it one day at a time and can’t think too far out as there always seems to be so much to process in the present. Thank goodness soccer was cancelled because of weather, or we would have been out after 9:00. Does that sound selfish? Regardless, the kids didn’t get into their beds until 10:00 because of homework for co-op tomorrow. I had picked up dinner at the local grocery store. Hoagies, chicken fingers, and sushi. I may have been tossing the hoagies at them like a football because we were in such a rush to get them to bed.
Now, I must begin prepping myself for tomorrow: uniforms, lunches, teaching materials. I really need to wash my hair. It’s looking rough from sweating at the gym-kind of gross..
Will likely see the back of my eyelids around 1:00 a.m., but who knows.





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