Daily Archives: April 4th, 2013

Less is more

Combo again today of house projects and academics. We didn’t even make it to the beach. The weather was cold and windy, and I was just too selfish to go sit out there and freeze again. The kids did play outside for a little bit throwing the lacrosse ball and riding bikes. This was their “recess” time. I didn’t cover formal math lessons with each child which really frustrates me, so I think I’ll alter our morning schedule and start with math first tomorrow. My oldest son brought the Percy Jackson series on our trip, so he’s been frustrated with me interrupting his reading to “do school.”
It’s now 2:00 a.m., and I’m cleaning out kitchen cabinets. The dust and grease accumulation had to be addressed, so I ended up rearranging some items and took down several accessories in the process. I’m not great at decorating, but I’m much better at decorating than I am at cooking, so I guess that’s something. The “less is more” phrase could be applied to my kids’ lives. I hope they eventually find an interest in just one or two things that they really enjoy. That would cut down on me feeling like I have to expose them to a world of activities in hopes that something excites them. The first thing I said this morning as my eyes opened in the bed was “Lord, please give me wisdom. Please give me wisdom. Please give me wisdom.”
That’s just it, isn’t it? We could blink our eyes one final time and never wake up again. Heavy to think about, but it could happen. So, I don’t want to waste a minute in my life or my family’s lives. Everything I am doing for them, and everything that is happening to them right now will impact their future somehow, so this parenting and homeschooling business is serious stuff as far as I’m concerned.
Things running around in my brain as I retire to sleep: North Korea, math, coding, contests, retirement, rental property, entrepreneurial ideas, becoming gypsies, needing more time (always)….
Just a few things to sleep on.






