Daily Archives: April 15th, 2013

One eye closed at 2:00 A.M.

I started unpacking our bags tonight around 10:00. The weekend has been non-stop since we returned home, but we did manage to grill out with friends this evening-a long overdue tradition. We also spent some time this morning on copywork and memorization of selected scripture verses for each kid. I also had them practice reciting their verses. My youngest kept putting his hand over his heart like he was saying the Pledge of Allegiance. I do this as a sort of apologetics course for them. What faith you are of, you should be able to defend it, right?
The last couple of hours have involved me getting the schoolroom put back together and prepping for what I’d like to teach tomorrow (actually, today now). I’m still feeling behind on where I’d like to be academically, but then I try to reassure myself that we are doing okay. I really have a hard time balancing it all and feeling like I’m doing a decent job.
Well, off to sleep for maybe 5 or so hours before the circus music begins to play here.







