Daily Archives: April 18th, 2013

Shark Tank-that was my idea!

Do you ever watch the show “Shark Tank”? This is one of the few TV shows that I watch because it gets me excited about turning my ideas into something more than just ideas. My kids watch the show with us, and we discuss the business models presented. I was watching a recorded episode tonight, and was saying that phrase of hey, that was my idea! Have you ever said that? You had a great invention and someone beat you to it. Well, I have many thoughts running around in my head, and I don’t know if anything will ever come of them except just being thoughts in my head. However, I do periodically sit down at the computer and type things out to see if I can move forward with my thinking. I also go through these ideas when I’m running, so maybe that’s why I enjoy exercising. It gets those thoughts churning. So, I’m up in the wee hours of the morning typing some things out on the I-Pad. This is after a full day of academics and activities and researching summer events. If I just didn’t have to sleep:)

Side note-if you are not familiar with the site “College Board” I encourage you to learn more about it. Tons of good info on there. You can register for free even though the site is set up for educational institutions.

