Daily Archives: April 23rd, 2013

Don’t use the bathroom outside!

Today involved me discussing bathroom habits with my youngest.  I walked outside to find him going “number 2” in our backyard by the swing set (FYI to those of you who visit). I asked him what he was doing at which point he said he was going poo as if that was the norm for him.  He said he only did a couple (help me). So, after we talked about practicing good hygiene, I asked him to get the shovel and throw his business into the woods.  Later, I looked out the window to see him picking up the feces with the pink frisbee as my daughter swept the grass around him.  Come to think of it, I don’t know what happened to that pink frisbee. Better get rid of that, too! It really is like a bad movie at my house (all the time).

Well, enough TMI. I have a laundry list of things I want to do and cover with my kids, and the list seems to keep growing as we all age.  How do I choose from the list? That seems to be my current dilemma.  I try to use their interests as a guide, but even that is sometimes challenging as my kids seem to like most everything.  Looking at our schedule of activities, I frequently am asking myself if where we are spending our time is valuable to their education and future.  Sometimes, I really don’t know, so I’m constantly researching ideas for them and myself.

I just finished watching the White House Science Fair participants on you-tube.  Pretty amazing projects and kids featured.  Of course, when the video was over, my mind was racing with thoughts like do I have the ability to inspire my children to think innovatively,  do I have the resources to help them achieve their entrepreneurial ideas, will they ever think like an entrepreneur and what if they don’t, what if they don’t like STEM, will their careers be hurt if they don’t, etc,  and so forth..Am I doing enough, and if I’m not as their primary educator, what do I need to change?  Those racing thoughts..

I did have the kids help with household chores this morning before we began academics.  My goal is to try to start each day with them performing some chore duty even though none of them want to.  Too bad, no lazy kids in my house! Today’s chores included sweeping, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, putting away clothes and toys, and emptying the dishwasher.  I’ve decided to do away with the chore charts.  They simply don’t work for our family.  My philosophy is just help out with what’s needed, right? Academics followed chores, and then we planted some annual seeds in a few planters. I really want to grow a garden this spring, but I’m concerned our vegetables would be eaten by our squirrel friends. (My husband is the squirrel whisperer and treats our forest animals like pets since I won’t get a dog). Hydroponics is something I’m looking into for us to avoid relying on the soil.  Please send info if you have had success in this area.

It’s after 11:00, and I’ll be up for several more hours tonight working on various things for the kids and myself-making coffee as we speak. It’s quiet, and I can hear my own thoughts..