Daily Archives: May 16th, 2013

Contests for your child

I receive Dr. Michelle Hernandez’s newsletter, and the most recent newsletter discusses the value of your child participating in contests.  She highlights several notable ones in there.

You can sign up to receive her newsletter for free through the website below.


Playing “I Spy”

Did you watch the national news today? Anybody thinking about retiring abroad? Not a bad idea judging by the looks of things seen on CNN..

Academics were intertwined with a classics book club of sorts that my oldest is participating in, so I played taxi driver this morning. He is loving what they’re covering. After studies, my daughter went to gymnastics practice, so the boys and I rode our bikes to a local park, and I ran laps on the track. Actually getting to the park was comical. My youngest son almost immediately leaving home began complaining that he couldn’t ride his bike that far, and he wanted me to drive him with the bike in the back of the Yukon (Eeyore). Of course, I told him “no”, and to “be tough”. That didn’t seem to go over well with him, so he had several moments of crocodile tears as we pedaled on. Finally, I decided to distract his mind by playing “I Spy” along the way. Focusing his thoughts on something other than his “tired legs” finally found us arriving at the park. Thankfully, the ride back home went much smoother.
More academics followed dinner. I actually cooked baked chicken and asparagus. My daughter couldn’t quite handle the texture of the asparagus, so I didn’t force it. She’ll acquire the taste as she gets older. The day ended with Breyer’s natural ice cream.
Calling it an early night for me (11:30). Tonight is one of those nights where I need to catch up on sleep.









