Daily Archives: May 28th, 2013

Nachos at 1:00 A.M.

Today our nation celebrated Memorial Day. My kids did not have the day off from academics. Instead, we discussed the meaning of the holiday as they colored their coloring pages. My second son somewhat argued with me that they should have the day off, but I argued that the people who’ve fought for our country would want to see them grow in their education so as to keep our country moving forward-can’t debate an Eagle Mother:)
Along with an extensive day of academics (math at 10:00 P.M.) we worked and played out in the yard. The youngest kids enjoyed making a collection of worms that they found in the mulch beds I was cleaning out. Our night ended with a viewing of “Toy Story 3” and me on the elliptical. Of course, as I’m typing to you it’s 1:00 A.M., and I’m eating nachos. So much for the elliptical. Sometimes fake food really tastes good.
Fatigue finally setting in…







