Daily Archives: July 12th, 2013

I just didn’t want to hear it

Another day of camp. I’ve now pulled 3 deer ticks off of us. Gross!!!!! That’s after applying a great deal of bug spray on our clothes for protection.
The weather made for a crazy day. It was pouring down rain when we arrived for opening ceremonies this morning. I had loads of fun trying to gather my troops and prepare for the day while under a poncho carrying several bags. Thankfully, it did not thunder so we weren’t stuck in cabins and could still go through the stations outside. The sun did eventually come out to give us a break, but by that time we were wet and smelly, and the mosquitoes were in full force.
I found myself today around another homeschooling mom. She started talking about the ins and outs of homeschooling and how she was planning out homeschooling her daughter through high school. She also mentioned how her son was 2 grades ahead in math. The conversation began to make me feel stressed, and I eventually politely excused myself from the dialogue for 2 reasons. One-I’m on a true break from thinking about homeschooling. I’m in summer mode even if it is brief. I need to refresh and regroup, and I can’t do that if I don’t get some down time. Secondly-the mention of her son being ahead in math made me anxious. I had a fleeting thought that I should rush home and begin math studies again. We’ve done no academics this week including math, so are my kids now behind?!!
Ugh-I just had to get away from her. She meant nothing by it, and there’s no way for her to know what I was feeling. I just know I needed to disengage. Sometimes you need to get away from it all and not feel guilty about doing so.
Now I have to go check for ticks!













