Keeping it real

My children were discussing their futures over dinner this evening. We finally were able to eat around 9:30. I had cooked crock-pot pork chops, and typical of my cooking, they weren’t that good.
Several of my kids were talking about how they wanted to be famous on TV, be pro athletes, go to the Olympics, blah, blah. I think it’s great they have big dreams, but the reality is that happens for only a small fraction of people in this world. So, I explained this to them, and we talked about how important it is that they have a quality education to help them maneuver their future reality. I mean it’s great if you want to practice an activity or sport for hours a week, but you’d better be balancing that with academics. It is what it is, so it’s a must to have a firm foundation in your back pocket.
Tomorrow, I’m driving to NC with the bottom 3 kids for a family wedding. My husband and oldest son are staying home to prep for yet another soccer tourney and Boy Scouts Camp. I learned just recently that the scouts have no electricity and are camping in the woods all week. There are no cabins. I know I’m clueless with all of this, but I was a little amazed that they’re spending the entire week in this fashion. Sooooooo glad it’s my husband going and not me!
Off to pack some more. We checked out movies from the library today for the kids to watch on the drive. Having peace and quiet will help me to stay sane. After we return, I plan to get back into the schoolroom to start spinning up:)











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