Daily Archives: September 10th, 2013

On location

Today was a full day of academics, but our normal routine of extra-curriculars in the afternoon/evening was changed. My oldest son booked a job shooting a commercial for a nationally recognized company. I’m not allowed to share information regarding the actual job or even pictures, but it was a lovely experience. I did take school books with us so that he could study when he wasn’t busy but ended up just not even trying. He was having too much fun..
We left around 3 this afternoon and drove over an hour to get to the location where they were filming. We ended up being there for about 5 1/2 hours. The director and his crew were great. There was a large supply of food and drinks provided along with wardrobe. I asked my son on the drive home if he enjoyed the job and environment, and his response was “oh, yah!” I must say he looked really good on set. He followed the director’s instructions well and was relaxed in his body language. He was very believable, and I’m told that’s key.
Who knows what may come from this experience. Maybe something, maybe nothing,, but I do believe that he learned some valuable life skills today in doing so.
I need sleep now in a serious way. I’ll just have to get up earlier tomorrow to lesson plan..





