
We didn’t really stop today on what is the day of rest for Christians. I’m not sure I really understand how to honor that belief, because a large part of our busyness comes from the day’s activities. We drove around 3 1/2 hours total going to and from church and choir. Then, you factor in the time we’re actually on site. That’s over 3 hours, plus the time it takes to get them dressed and fed and prepped for singing or memory work. I don’t see how we can rest when being an active participant at church requires this crazy schedule. I guess we could do away with travel soccer in between service times, but that would not go over well with my boys. We didn’t stop until about 10:00 tonight after they had eaten their snack before bed. I appreciate any insight from those of the same faith. Is this what your day looks like? I certainly don’t find it restful, but we are coming together to be with the church body as we are instructed to do. I just must be missing something from the theology side..
Shutting down for the blurry from fatigue, and the rooster will be crying all too soon telling me it’s time to teach!









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