Daily Archives: October 4th, 2013


Not to sound like a broken record, but it was more of the same today. We began our morning with watching a Kahn Academy video while eating breakfast. Then, it was academics either with mom or independently. Lots of subjects, lots of topics, and still I need more time.
We did break briefly during the day for lunch. My second son and I tried a new recipe, bratwurst wrapped in bacon. It looked and sounded so good from the google reviews. My son enjoyed pouring the bottles of beer into the pot and watching the liquid foam. (I may have had a couple of sips during our recess period:) Unfortunately, we all found the recipe disgusting. I thought we were making lunch, but it ended up looking like more of an appetizer that resembled that of fecal matter (sorry, but it really did). My house smelled horribly from the burnt brown sugar. I still can’t get that smell out of my nose. For dinner, I tried chicken Alfredo-another disaster. Two of my sons ended up opening a can of cream-style corn and raved about how good it tasted. Seriously! Why do I try to cook? Wasted time, and I hate inefficiency.
Things on my radar: the languages of Latin/French/Mandarin Chinese, history day, science fair, music education, Maker magazine, learning3, and a field trip to the math museum in Manhattan.
I was wondering today where Bill Gates’s children attend school or if they actually do. It’s not like they’d ever need a job. I read one article that said he and his wife “homeschooled” their children for 3 months while they toured various places around the world. Mr. Gates admitted that teaching is hard work. Man, is that an understatement!

I need a shower.







