Daily Archives: October 19th, 2013

Perimenopause, just great

I think I was incorrect in saying that my hormones have not been a factor in my mood lately, since it appears I’m entering the world of perimenopause. It just dawned on me after experiencing night sweats and full blown dizziness yesterday that my body is deciding it needs a change. The irony of perimenopause is that not only do you get the future symptoms of menopause such as dryness in areas that shouldn’t be dry or what every husband wants to hear “decreased libido”, but you still experience all the womanly things you’d be having as a teenager like heavy flows and bloating! Come on!! And you may linger in this phase for years. Great. So, now in addition to making my organic anti-wrinkle cream agents, I also need to purchase a cooling pillow and keishi-bukuryo-gan. It’s very depressing, really. I’d take menopause over this peri stuff anyday.
Alright, TMI..
What coherent thoughts I had yesterday were centered around Junior FLL and math. I’m working through the WeDo software with my little guys in their club. Math-I’m researching what path to take with my oldest son. If all goes according to plan, he needs to take Algebra in eighth grade. I’m using MiF right now, so it appears I need to double up on this program for a year to get him into true algebra. The country is in limbo right now with their curriculum options and common core nonsense, so it’s challenging trying to make a wise decision for him.
Well, it’s Saturday. Off to the races.

