Daily Archives: October 23rd, 2013

Needing bok choy

Whew…It’s 1:30 in the morning, and I’ve got one eye closed while I type this. It occurred to me today as I was teaching that I’m likely mildly deficient in iron. Based on what my body’s doing, the depletion is causing me to have some anemic symptoms. I actually ended teaching around 2:00 yesterday afternoon so that I could take care of myself for a change. Moms don’t really get to do that too often. I went on a hunt for various foods rich in iron stores. Then, I ended up buying a slow-release iron tablet to take as a supplement although medical research doesn’t really support these types of supplements based on their lack of efficacy. I’m hoping if I pay enough attention to my iron intake through whole foods, I can boost my energy level. I need energy for teaching! My son was still working on his research project at 11:00 last night.



