Tag Archives: air force academy

Birthday wishes

I blinked, and today is gone. Wow, time just seems to be flying the older that I get. I’m still needing those extra hours in my day.
This weekend marks a birthday for my father, so the kids took some time this morning and wrote cards to him. Then, they sang “happy birthday” over the phone. It would be nice if we could take him out for a celebratory dinner, but his location is many hours away. I spent the afternoon coaching our little guys in the Lego club and then dug my hands into the Batman room as we call it. My middle son has been sleeping on the bunk bed, and it’s just not working. He usually climbs into our bed or ends up sleeping on the floor because he’s hot. So, I decided to put a single mattress back into that room. Well, you can imagine how much time it took to rearrange and organize a child’s bedroom. He was, however, very excited and appreciative of my efforts as he is quite particular and very organized himself. Not sure where he gets that trait from:)
More house work and activities tomorrow along with spending some time in the books. This past week was a bit choppy with academics because of the field trip interruptions. The trips were great learning experiences. However, the studies still have to be accomplished, so I have nothing planned during the day for this upcoming week other than core studies. We’ll see how that goes.








