Tag Archives: autism

Thoughts racing

My mind is constantly going with educational thoughts. Sometimes, I have so many ideas going that it’s hard for me to pull one out and discuss it logically with even my husband. It’s a wonder I can run this blog. Tonight, my husband and I had a date night eating Mexican cuisine that we both enjoy. We have to escape sometimes to play catch-up. He was laughing at me because I was having a “flight of ideas” moment as we were discussing the educational happenings of the kids. I’m not sure I can help it at this point in my homeschooling career. I’m staring at educating four different children, and it’s a massive job. I used to tell everyone to consider homeschooling. I don’t anymore.
Off to inhale some green tea..







Why should they conform?

My oldest son is a kinesthetic learner. If you have a kinesthetic learner, then you know what a challenge that can be to teach in the traditional model or from a boxed curriculum. The curriculum that I use as my skeleton is no doubt designed for the visual learner, so I have to adapt what I’m teaching to his style of learning. That process is not easy given the demands on me from all of the other dependent sources. It’s nice being in the setting that we’re in because I don’t have to require him to change the way that he learns to fit the one-size-fits-all package. That package doesn’t work. And why would I want to change how he learns? He’s really wired at the very core of his being to be how he is. He needs to move and daydream and dance. Those are times when his mind is thinking on things that have really peaked his interest. It seems society demands conformity in young kids including how they are taught and learn. I just don’t see how that’s really beneficial to the individual student or to our society in general. What’s the alternative when our system has the enormous burden of educating so many kids without the balance of quality teachers and environment? I don’t know…




