Tag Archives: bedtime

Bath time with baby wipes

Just finished roasting marshmallows by the fire. Still without power from the hurricane. Our studies are continuing by candlelight. No sense wasting valuable time. We will have to resort to using our friends’ showers tomorrow if power is not restored. Until then we are using baby wipes.








I’ve found the cure for Insomnia!

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Don’t you love it when they’re sleeping?  You can have a couple of hours of your own thoughts.

I couldn’t tell you the last time I had trouble sleeping.  I basically collapse into bed every night from consumption of energy during the day.  I’m not complaining, just stating how it is.

So, the next time you have trouble sleeping, think about homeschooling your kids and see if that doesn’t cure your problem:)

Speaking of sleep, I’d better go to bed!

You have to stop reading and go to bed:)

I love when my son finds a book that he enjoys so much that he can’t put it down until he finishes it!  Pictured reading “Detectives in Togas”…

Interesting website below.  Check it out.  They have also compiled a fun book list for boys and men.


Studying geography before calling it a night. I’m so tired of talking…


Help me, Homer Price!

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By the time bedtime rolls around, I’m exhausted! I need the day to end so that I can eat ice cream with my husband and watch some meaningless movie where I don’t have to think!