Tag Archives: Bruce Springsteen

Keep going

We pressed forward with academics today, even in the midst of the hurricane chaos and tragedy. My kids watched a bit of the news. I hope doing so gave them some perspective on what these families of post-Sandy are going through. We are looking to send supplies to some local shelters over the weekend.
Made it to the gym in between activities, so I took the kids out for sushi afterwards. My youngest kept calling the food “disgusting” and “smelly”, so he ate fried rice and ice cream for dinner. I just didn’t care because I was so grateful somebody else was cooking!
Off to bed-math circle in the morning..







Devastation, global warming, the election

Sitting here late at night watching CNN and seeing the devastation that the east coast suffered, particularly our home state of Jersey and neighboring NY. Our power was restored this morning. I had friends from the south asking me how things were up here, and I didn’t know because I hadn’t seen anything on tv. Seeing it now is humbling. I kept teaching through the powerless hours, but I’m thinking we need to completely stop academics for now and find out where we can help. More to follow on that..
Well, election day is approaching. Hope you get out there and cast your vote!


