Tag Archives: charter school

Educational research-Wagner and Compton

A girlfriend let me know of this book, Creating Innovators. Looks like a great read (my local library has it). Compton has put out 8 DVDs, I believe, looking at other countries’ educational systems.  I’m trying to convince our county library to purchase them.  I’ve also emailed Compton’s company to see if they can offer discounts to homeschoolers who don’t have the school funds or backing to purchase these.






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What is our goal? To improve test scores or to create self-sufficent thinkers?-NY Times article

Uggh….Reading an article today in the NY Times regarding some charter schools increasing their academic calendar-a heated debate among many.  What struck me in the article was the statement of “schools face increasing pressure to improve student test scores.”  It’s awful that this is how some school systems are operating.  We are putting more emphasis on producing test-taking robots than analytical thinkers who love learning..

