Tag Archives: damage

Preparing for the hurricane

Aside from our usual Saturday activities, we spent the afternoon blowing leaves, storing chair cushions, and securing loose items around the house.  No idea what we’re looking at as far as the weather goes over the next few days.  Sometimes they say it’s bad when it isn’t.  Sometimes they say it’s bad when it is.  Being a Cub Scout mom, I’m inclined to lean in the direction of being prepared, so I’ve got my batteries, bottles of water, and canned goods.

At least we can keep pressing on with academics, even in a hurricane.  We can read by candlelight.  Our forefathers did, right?

My house was so messy that the cops thought the house had been ransacked!

True story..

A few weeks back I got a call from our alarm company saying that the alarm was going off.  At my request, they sent out the local police to investigate.  Later, I received another call saying that the police did, in fact, believe there to have been a break-in.  I rushed home to see what the damage was.  Upon arrival, the police pointed out the various areas they believed the robbers to have been meddling.  There were many drawers and doors open.  I paused, then embarrassingly admitted to them that we had not been robbed, that the mess they were seeing was caused simply by us  not having picked up after ourselves.  They had a good laugh, but I was so embarrassed!

My house isn’t always that messy.  Thankfully, we have a second laundry room upstairs so you don’t see all of the dirty clothes.  I do try to keep everything clean, but sometimes I just don’t have the energy left at the end of the day to address it.  Now, where’s that cloning machine?

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