Tag Archives: dolphin

Skyping and such on Saturday

We woke a bit earlier than usual on this Saturday morning to Skype with our new French teacher who’s currently in France. I am beginning live lessons with my daughter since she seems to be an auditory learner. Auditory learners tend to migrate easier to foreign languages, so I’m interested to see how she does with the lessons. Our lesson was to occur from 9-10 this morning. Skype was not cooperating well, so we chatted with the teacher a few minutes and will try again this weekend. Don’t you just love a French accent? Yummy inflections..
That event was followed by getting my oldest out the door for lacrosse, then ballet, grocery shopping during ballet, then a gymnastics drop-off. The afternoon will be spent cleaning the house. It’s embarrassing to say, but I haven’t even unpacked my bags from our recent trip and it’s been a week!
I hope to spend the evening researching academics and extracurriculars that I’m either a part of or hoping to start. Then there are those business ideas I have so hoping to find some quiet time for those, as well.
Look at this sign that was in the grocery store parking lot. I’m sooooo glad that I cannot park there. Is that awful to say?











Sunrise over the water
