Tag Archives: Donald trump

Hello Kitty at 2 A.M.

It’s in the wee hours of the morning, and I’ve just finished wrapping birthday presents for my daughter. She’s having a little party with some girlfriends later, but we always do the family thing. We made a flying trip through the local 24 hour Wal-mart (not a huge fan) to buy a couple of happies around midnight. This we did just prior to our arrival back home from the road trip. I think we drove about 19 hours in 2 days. I smell like a combination of Taco Bell and sweat-not pretty so desperately needing a shower. Now, back to the reality of house projects and academics. Lots to ponder from the sites we’ve just seen, but we will first celebrate with my daughter and eat cake. I love cake.



Seeing first-hand to make it become real

As an educator, I try to incorporate a hands-on experience with what we learn and see and read about.
We have been discussing the aftermath of the hurricane along with global warming and how that has and will continue to affect millions of lives.
Last night, my kids were able to see some of that.
We had dinner near Atlantic City with my cousin. He and his company, Alabama Power, drove a massive caravan up to our area to help the power restoration process. We toured the staging area which was quite impressive. With my military background, it reminded me of how our armed forces mobilize large units such as this to help. I believe my kids will remember tonight and in doing so I hope will aid them in making a positive impact on our society.





Maroon Five concert-so pumped!

I’m so excited! BFF friends, hubby, and I will be seeing Maroon Five in concert. I can’t even remember the last concert that I went to. I’m envisioning me dancing around like the flashdance girl while wearing leg warmers.  We’ve even talked about getting tattoos to remember the special event. Well, maybe not for me but still, I can’t wait.
I got the mooooooooooooooves like Jagger. Whistle, whistle..


Laundry Pods Everywhere

The laundry fairy did not appear at my house over the weekend, so I’m way behind where I like to be on a Monday. We had one of those weekends where we just never slowed down, so I’m paying for it now.
I hate teaching in a messy house, so I’ll likely stay up late tonight getting it together. Coffee..






Learning from previous generations to create future entrepreneurs
