Tag Archives: exam

Returning to the practice of medicine

My husband and I have been discussing our future a bit more including whether or not I will return to practicing medicine. In just a few short years, I know that I’ll wake up and the last child will be all grown up. The years of homeschooling (assuming that I make it through high school) will come to an end, and my husband and I will find ourselves empty-nesters. Wow. That idea seems so far away, but I appreciate that it’s really not. So, our discussion of my career, or lack thereof at present, has been weighing on my mind. Do I eventually want to return to the workforce? If so, what would that look like? Would I wait until number 4 child is waving good-bye as he leaves for college, or should I begin sooner? It’s possible that me working part-time initially would benefit my kids. They could help in the office or travel with me learning practical business skills. Theoretically, high schoolers should be doing the majority of their academic work independently, right? So, maybe I won’t be needed as much as I am now. All questions I have no answers to, but I did somewhat get the ball rolling this week after I contacted my state medical licensing board regarding reinstatement. So, if you know someone who’d like to hire a former flight surgeon, middle-age, homeschooling mother of 4, please give them my number:)

This is me below dressed in my scrubs a few years ago. No, I wasn’t seeing patients at the time. I was doing story hour at the library.


Traveling with supplies

It’s Monday, but my days are just blending together. The weekends don’t seem to bring much rest and regrouping. I travel with lots of books and hands-on manipulatives so we can keep learning about new things in between their activities. This occurs in the car, on the playground, in the dance studio, at Scouts, you name it. Keeping electronic devices away from them is a must for my kidsĀ  because they would just “zone out” with the video games if given the opportunity. They are allowed to read on their Kindle or watch an occasional educational video but even then, I prefer them to pick up a good old-fashioned book versus learning passively from some media device.



