Tag Archives: federal government

Dinner help?

Academics and activities today. We didn’t arrive home from our last event until 9:45. I would be anxious right now if I had to put my kids on a bus at 7:00 in the morning. It’s nice to know we can sleep late if we need to. One of my sons asked me what’s for dinner when we arrived home. What’s for dinner? Come on now, it’s bedtime. He replied that he ate dinner 3 hours ago, and now he’s hungry again. Ugh…So, I fed him a quick snack of cereal. The others had eaten at the snack bar while he was in practice, so thankfully I didn’t have to feed them, too. Our nutty schedule has prompted me to spend some time on Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods’s websites. My latest thought concerning my cooking is to buy frozen meals or those quick dinner meals that TJ sells. Their quick meal plan sounds like it was designed with me in mind, can’t cook well and doesn’t have the time to really learn right now. I’m hoping to spend some time grocery shopping this weekend, so maybe our menu will look better next week. Who knows. Sounds great but not getting my hopes up just yet.








Dr. Dozier

I had the opportunity to speak with a group of kids today on different aspects of medicine. It was certainly nice to hear the words “Dr. Dozier” again. I haven’t heard them in a long time. I miss working in the field of medicine, and I miss taking care of patients. Medicine really gets a bad rap these days with all of the lawsuits and expensive healthcare, but the practice of medicine itself without all of the westernized nonsense is a beautiful thing. I wouldn’t stop what I’m doing for my kids right now to return to that world, but I thoroughly enjoyed the flashbacks during my discussion with the children.
Today included the usual of academics and activities. My husband and I were discussing the idea of having the kids wear uniforms during school hours. When I initially began homeschooling, I required uniforms, but eventually we got away from that. I may return to uniforms because it could help especially the younger two get out of play mode and into academic/concentration mode. More to ponder..
Got my work-out in tonight from 10:30-11:30.












