Tag Archives: first lego league

Train your brain

The idea of being mentally strong is something I talk to my kids about frequently. I tell them that the mind has to be exercised and trained just like anything else, and we discuss the power that their thoughts can have on their actions. It’s about mental toughness, and I’ll give you an example. My daughter has been trying to conquer a skill in gymnastics called the glide kip. The element is important because it serves as the foundation for many other elements in this sport. I’m told it’s one of the toughest skills to learn as a young gymnast, and I’ve been talking with my daughter about applying our mental toughness concept to this activity. Today, during her gymnastics practice, she watched another gymnast younger than her successfully execute the kip for the first time, and it made my daughter very angry that this younger gymnast had the skill and she didn’t. So you can imagine the ending to this short story. Her anger and frustration turned into determination, and she nailed her kip once and then many more times after that. I love it! The mind has a big play in what you’re doing with your life. “Train the brain” I tell my children.
I’m hoping to retire for the evening soon. We’ve had a busy couple of days with our FLL team and their competition. The coaches and boys had an exciting day winning an award for their innovative project design, and they advanced to the state competition. Yah! I love to win. It’s great to have fun, but I’m not going to lie, I like prizes, especially first place!
The pictures will speak. My personal brain needs to pause for the night..











Exploring the world of robotics with your child-FLL and Jr FLL


A couple of years ago I ran a junior First Lego League club for my oldest son and some of his friends.  Every Friday night they’d gather in my basement for a couple of hours to work on a project that was given to us by US First. The boys were featured in one of our local newspapers which I’ve included below.

If you don’t know what US First, FLL, Junior FLL, or any of the more advanced robotics teams are, I encourage you to take a few minutes and look over US First’s website.  Their events are top-notch, and the experiences the kids have can really open up some doors towards their future.

We’ve recently made the decision to transition back into this arena with our oldest son, but we’ll be entering the FLL age group this time.  The FLL age group demands much more time and devotion to the project by the kids and the families, and the competitions can be quite intense.  We’re fortunate to be linked up with a stellar crew for the upcoming school year.  Should be great fun for all.



Raspberry Pi-an inexpensive gadget for computer tinkering

raspberry pi

