Tag Archives: food bank

Hunger in America

I found my attention being drawn recently to the hunger problem in our country.  Through the “Feeding America” website, I was able to connect with my state’s representative to discuss possible volunteer opportunities for my kids.  Unfortunately, the ages of my kids are too young to help out in the warehouses and such places, but I did learn more about what our local food banks are doing, who they are servicing, etc.  What really boggles my mind is that according to the gentlemen I connected with from Feeding America, 1 in 4 children in OUR country are going hungry every day.  OUR country.  America, the land of plenty, the land of endless opportunity.  And it’s not just associated with unemployment.  It’s bigger than that, and the problem affects all types of neighborhoods. So while I sit in my warm house and plan our next field trip or vacation excursion, some innocent child is starving.  I cannot comprehend this.  I asked the gentlemen if maybe I could teach reading to some of the local children they are serving, but there just seems to be so much red tape with such a task. I don’t know how to help here, but I certainly would like to.  I also want my own children to get involved with such a cause, to see what others may be going through, to try and find an answer to this massive problem. Does that bother you? It should. It should bother all of us.

