Tag Archives: good morning america

Dinner at 9:30

This afternoon’s schedule was bordering on crazy. It looked like this:
4:00-drop daughter at gymnastics
4:30-drop second son at soccer
5:00-5:45-work with other 2 sons on schoolwork
6:00-pick up second son from soccer
6:15-drop oldest son at lacrosse
6:30-feed snacks to 2 youngest sons and change into warmer clothes
7:20-pick up oldest son at lacrosse
7:30-drop oldest son at soccer
7:45-pick up at daughter at gymnastics
8:00-go back to soccer practice, run on the track and work out while oldest is in practice-yah! Go it in!
9:00-practice ends
9:30-feed kids dinner after baths (chicken fajitas with precooked chicken)
10:00-bedtime for kids, no read-alouds as it’s just too late

Now, it’s after 11:00 and I’ve got to clean the kitchen and regroup for tomorrow. I need to read on some other activities such as our Lego club and review history, so I’ll see what I get to before collapsing. What’s scary is my youngest son hasn’t really started into outside activities yet.  Not sure what that’s going to look like in the future.

The oldest son is still up reading as he didn’t finish his homework today that has a deadline of tomorrow.


