Tag Archives: healthy

Candy corn for breakfast, ice cream for dinner, and a turkey sandwich for dessert.

Yes, in fact, this was part of my day’s menu.  Not the healthiest, I know, and I try to do much better than that, but we had just one of those nutty days.

Now, they are asleep.  Thank goodness! I need a break. Do you remember one of the “Friends” episodes where Phoebe’s nieces/nephews (the triplets) were asleep on the couch?  Someone went to wake them, and the Dad cringed and mildly freaked out because he was so exhausted and just needed them to sleep for a bit.  That’s about how I’m feeling right now.  I need longer than a five minute span where someone isn’t needing me or saying my name.

Nevertheless, endurance is key, so I laugh and prep for teaching the atomic model tomorrow.  I’m so completely embarrassed at what I’ve created.  If I could be fired from my job at Excelsior, this might be the opportunity to do so.  I tried to make an electron cloud model.  My daughter said that it looked like a weird sunflower, and my son said that my protons and neutrons in my clay model looked like a flabby butt.  Help me!

It’s 1 a.m., and I’m uploading a science experiment to you-tube

My oldest kiddo is participating in a virtual science fair this week, so I’m awake uploading his video onto you-tube. Man alive, that site takes forever. And all of this occurring while on va-ca!


Celebrate life with a berry smoothie

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Sometimes we just need a little treat, so I bought the mixed berry smoothies from McDonald’s today.  I don’t know how healthy they are, but they taste good.