Tag Archives: Hilton

Bubba burgers

We are having an unusual Fourth of July this year. The Paris trip has thrown me off-not that I’m complaining.

My husband is working over the holiday. I had thought about taking the kids to watch fireworks this evening, but selfishly I just didn’t have it in me to haul them around. Plus, our local weather has been less than pleasant with lots of rain and humid conditions. Not too great for being outside, but the kids still swam in the rain. That’s me in the picture below sitting under my blue poncho trying not to get soaked. We did enjoy Bubba burgers for a late dinner tonight. You really must eat burgers over the holiday, and my younger kids helped make a flag cake (which I’m still eating on as I type this to you). The kids took turns finding items in an American art book I have featuring pieces from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. That’s about as deep as I went with any American history-related topic today.

I finished second grade studies with my second son this afternoon-yah!! Now, my focus is on my first grade daughter. She and I worked on her Singapore math this evening, and she finished one of her tests around 9:30. I was almost surprised how well she did given the lateness of the day, but they have been sleeping late in the mornings so maybe the rest helped. Tomorrow I’ll cover more academics with my daughter. It’s quite possible she will reach all of her first grade goals then. I may be opening a bottle of champagne, soon!

I should catch up on what’s going on in the world. I saw a blurb on Egypt and unrelated Snowden, but that’s about it. Instead I’m looking at house magazines, a rare treat for me. I’m hoping to transform my basement into a large schoolroom over the summer and take back my former dining room. Looking for ideas on decor. If you’d like to send your child to our school in my basement, I’m taking applications since I’ll have a much larger space. The tuition is quite high, though.

Alright, no, I’m just kidding, but tuition money would help to fund my Home Goods runs-ha!








