Tag Archives: i-95

Planning the future on I-95

Road trips are always amusing to me because I use the hours of the car ride to discuss crazy ideas in my head with my husband. He becomes a captive audience:) Of course, our car is full of audio books, library books, and school books. I think half of the trunk is just books. I would feel strange if we didn’t travel with our school materials. I was up until 2 this morning packing up the school room to go with us. This was after I’d spent over an hour at the library yesterday selecting literature for each child to read while we are vacationing. The local librarians know my face and are used to the volume of books that I check out on visits. I left yesterday from the library with 3 grocery bags full. Sometimes, I get the stares from the public like I’m a little over-the-top with that. They’re probably right.
So back to the road trip…Today, we’ve been discussing everything from retirement places to business ideas. My husband laughs quite a bit at me during these talks. I’m the dreamer, and he’s the practical one so we balance each other out. Now that we are entering a new phase in our lives, I’d love to see our family start a business where our children could have a big part in the running of the company. This is one example of the continuous racing thoughts in my mind. I pick up magazines like Forbes or PC World and off my brain goes. I don’t know if any of my “big ideas” will ever do anything other than be a passing thought, but maybe with enough hard work and dedication, one of them will come into existence. Road trip ramblings…





Listening to history on the road

Heading back home after break.. Listening to history before G.I.Joe enters the scene..



You know you’re a homeschooler when you pack more books than clothes.

This is how we travel-lots of books.  My kids complain.  They say, “But Mom, it’s spring break!”  And I say, “Yes, won’t it be fun to keep learning in a new environment?”

Don’t worry, they get lots of free time and play, but there’s no reason to stop that exploration mindset:)

Back to packing!