Tag Archives: Jason


I taught for about 5 hours today rotating between the four kids. Reading, math, phonics, geography, etc. I’m finally getting back into Latin. The kids watched a Latin DVD on our hour drive to practice last night.
I’m not having a great deal of luck with foreign languages as it seems my children really need to be immersed in that culture for adequate retention, but I do think I can fumble my way through Latin and it be beneficial to them.
Tonight we had pizza delivered. Cooking has exhausted me, and I just didn’t want to deal with it again after making chicken noodle soup for lunch and eggs and rolls for breakfast. So done. Our evening wrapped up after decorating the outside of the house with orange lights and cobwebs. I’m not into the spooky witchy side of Halloween, but I sure do like to wear costumes and eat chocolate. I may have to buy more of those spider webs. We had the best time placing them on the shrubs! It was like an art class with your hands touching their rough texture.





