Tag Archives: lawsuit

Dr. Dozier

I had the opportunity to speak with a group of kids today on different aspects of medicine. It was certainly nice to hear the words “Dr. Dozier” again. I haven’t heard them in a long time. I miss working in the field of medicine, and I miss taking care of patients. Medicine really gets a bad rap these days with all of the lawsuits and expensive healthcare, but the practice of medicine itself without all of the westernized nonsense is a beautiful thing. I wouldn’t stop what I’m doing for my kids right now to return to that world, but I thoroughly enjoyed the flashbacks during my discussion with the children.
Today included the usual of academics and activities. My husband and I were discussing the idea of having the kids wear uniforms during school hours. When I initially began homeschooling, I required uniforms, but eventually we got away from that. I may return to uniforms because it could help especially the younger two get out of play mode and into academic/concentration mode. More to ponder..
Got my work-out in tonight from 10:30-11:30.














The accident

Not really what I needed… I was driving back from the wedding reception over the weekend with my mother-in-law and the 3 kids when a young boy ran into us with his car. When the initial impact occurred, we screamed. Once I realized what happened and saw that everyone was okay, I got out of my car to assess the situation. Long story short, after a couple of hours of meeting with state troopers and roadside assistance, we concluded the evening. Thankfully, the boy had not been drinking and driving. That was my initial fear for him. He was, however, found to be responsible for the accident. So, I’ve been dealing with that mess since we arrived home. Off to get the car assessed for damages tomorrow. This was not what I had on my calendar for the week, but I’m counting our blessings including the young boy’s. It could have been much worse..
It’s 10:00 at night now, and I need to pick up a paint brush. I stayed up until 3:00 this morning organizing our school books. Looks as if I need to keep using my dining room to teach until the basement gets closer to being usable.









President Obama still smoking cigarettes


I was talking to my kids the other day on  how addicting drugs can be to your system.

Isn’t nicotine such a powerful chemical?  What a hard habit to break for so many people.  Big businesses make tons of money while people die from their products.  Sorry, soap box as a physician:)