Tag Archives: looting

Growth plate injury

My weekend day began around 7:00. I peeled myself out of my warm bed and drove to the gym where I endured toning and cardio combat. I was not happy during the sessions,  but I was happy when they were over knowing that I had worked out. The rest of the day was spent driving from activity to activity with no academics included. I’m looking forward to actually unpacking my suitcase tomorrow and sitting down with the books to get organized for the week. My night ended with driving my daughter to the children’s ER. She’d been complaining of wrist pain since gymnastics practice last night. I had iced and splinted it but finally gave in to the question of x-rays after she presented with bruising and difficulty moving her joint. Thankfully, no fracture was seen, but she may have bothered her growth plate from the many back-hand springs, front hand springs, and fly-springs. She’s oddly excited to show off her new splint to her fellow gymnasts. Must be a rite of passage or something.
I’ve been watching the typhoon story a bit this evening and will have my children read parts of the story tomorrow. I try to keep them up-to-date on current events including even those stories that are challenging to process. Such is the world that we live in.








Devastation, global warming, the election

Sitting here late at night watching CNN and seeing the devastation that the east coast suffered, particularly our home state of Jersey and neighboring NY. Our power was restored this morning. I had friends from the south asking me how things were up here, and I didn’t know because I hadn’t seen anything on tv. Seeing it now is humbling. I kept teaching through the powerless hours, but I’m thinking we need to completely stop academics for now and find out where we can help. More to follow on that..
Well, election day is approaching. Hope you get out there and cast your vote!


