Tag Archives: magnetism

Are you burnt-out on homeschooling?

I had this conversation with a dear girlfriend yesterday who also homeschools.  She was having one of those days where you just want to throw in the towel and send your kids somewhere else for their education instead of teaching them at  home.  We’ve all had those days!  Homeschooling creates a lot of pressure on yourself.  It’s a lot of work.  It takes a lot of time and energy.  It’s not glamorous. Things at home and in your personal life get pushed to the side while you teach your children.  So, why do it?

For me, homeschooling provides maximum opportunity for your child to receive the best in education that there is.  Why?  Because it’s individualized.  You are your child’s best advocate, and you know where their interests lie and where you need to go with that.  There are a whole host of other reasons:  flexibility in your schedule, family environment, minimization of negative effects in institutional setting, say-so over faith and individual beliefs, etc.  Don’t get me wrong.  There are cons, also.  Probably one of the worst parts for me is that I have to do all of the other things of running a household.  You know, like cooking!  If I could just teach and learn with the kids, that would be great.  Still needing a personal assistant!

A perfect setting for their education simply does not exist.  But, at  this point in our journey, I”m a big fan of homeschooling.  Who knows what lies ahead over the next few years.

I’m learning to never say “never”.

I’m tired, and it all just needs to stop for tonight..

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There are not many true breaks for yourself when you homeschool.  Even when you’re on a break, you’re not really on a break because you’ve got to plan what’s coming next in their education and in their lives.

We spent the day at Excelsior, our local homeschool cooperative.  Dance followed classes. Then, we made a mad rush to buy groceries. You should see me buying groceries with all four kids.  I just throw things in the cart like I”m shooting a basketball.

Next week is Excelsior’s annual “Friends and Family night” where the students present a variety of things they’ve learned throughout the school year.  This week I”ll be planning for that.  I’ve also got to work on science projects with my 2 oldest kids over the weekend.  They’re presenting in a science fair in April.  The Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby is Friday so I have  to help the boys make their cars (Oh my gosh!).  We’re testing this week in our home studies so lots of work to be done this week in academics.  The weekend is full of activities.  Thank goodness spring break is coming up, but I’ll have to pack for the entire family before we can travel during the break.  And, even when we’re on spring break, I’ll be teaching because if I don’t, then we’ll be behind on where we need to be to break for the summer.

And, I need a summer break!  Maybe I can get some of those house projects accomplished that stare at me everyday.  Maybe I’ll sleep.  Maybe I’ll just look at my children or go on a date with my husband.  Or, maybe I”ll be prepping for the upcoming school year-Did I mention you don’t really get a break:)

Here’s how our Leap Day went..

Some topics covered:  history of Leap Day, Caesar, History timeline, Haiti, Patrick Henry’s speech, the U.S. presidents, math with manipulatives, magnetism, life of Georgia O’Keefe, book club, prime numbers, bar graphs, money relationships

Extracurriculars:  dance and lax

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