Tag Archives: medication


Today was full of working on house projects. The kids rode their bikes and made a quick trip to the beach, but I also had them pulling weeds out of the beds. This was after they wrote a page in their journal. They weren’t thrilled with my requests, but too bad. I want them to know the value of hard work. I’m not a fan of being lazy or complaining, so they are not allowed to complain. I’m constantly reminding them to be grateful for what they have.
Well, it’s just after midnight, and I’m exhausted. Those projects of staining the deck, pulling weeds, trimming palm trees, and cleaning out cabinets have exhausted me, so I need to close my eyes for a bit.
Interesting article on LeHigh Admissions process:





Moms aren’t allowed to be sick

I have not felt well for a few days now-sinus stuff that’s never pleasant. You know it’s not good when the Netti pot water does not come out the other nostril! Last night I went to bed around 10:00 which is early for me. Tonight, I’m not much better, but I’m not a good patient, either. I don’t care to pause to get extra rest. I’d much rather keep going, so hubby gets a bit frustrated with me. Being a physician myself likely doesn’t help either. I did manage to get in some decent academic time with the kids, though. No sick days for homeschooling Moms!






I’ve found the cure for Insomnia!

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Don’t you love it when they’re sleeping?  You can have a couple of hours of your own thoughts.

I couldn’t tell you the last time I had trouble sleeping.  I basically collapse into bed every night from consumption of energy during the day.  I’m not complaining, just stating how it is.

So, the next time you have trouble sleeping, think about homeschooling your kids and see if that doesn’t cure your problem:)

Speaking of sleep, I’d better go to bed!