Tag Archives: midnight

Black Friday/Gray Thursday

Exercised this morning with my talented niece and sister. Afterwards, we took the kids to see “Wreck-It Ralph” at the theater. It’s a cute movie, although admittedly I slept through several parts of it.
Tonight, I’m out with my mother, sister, and niece to hit the holiday sales. Drinking caffeine as it appears it will be a long and eventful evening sure to bring some laughs. I do not do well with these scenarios. The madness overwhelms me, and I can’t process good deals from bad ones. I do much better in a small, boutique-type environment, but it’s all about being with family right now. I haven’t even started Christmas shopping. I’ll get serious about it soon and buy presents, but I’d much rather spend money on travel and experiences versus things. My kids, being kids, don’t really grasp that so we’ll see how it goes.






It’s 3 a.m. Time to shut her down..

Up late planning out classes for next year. This helps me evaluate what we’ve learned this year, and what we still need to cover.
