Tag Archives: Mississippi State University

R & R

Today, there was no alarm clock. We all slept in which was wonderful. My sister and I hit the local gym. I usually don’t go to the gym during the day because I’m teaching so this was a treat. My mother had gotten us passes so we didn’t even have to pay. This was followed by a large turkey lunch with all of the trimmings. The infamous Walmart run came next where the kids were allowed to buy a toy to play with. Lastly, friends and family came over for a bonfire and hot dog/marshmallow roast. I’m exhausted again but not from lack of sleep. No, the exhaustion is from having too good of a time. Sometimes you just can’t win, I guess:)
BTW-my niece is a superstar in the long distance running world already at a very young age. We are hoping she’ll be competing in the next summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. What a great homeschool field trip that would be!












I called Archie Manning

My girlfriend was asking to see a picture of me from my dancing years during college.  I was the captain of the Ole Miss Rebelettes many, many moons ago.

And then, last night, I was watching a commercial with Eli Manning (or was it Peyton?) mentioning his father calling.  I can remember in college actually calling Archie Manning asking if he’d like to donate money towards our national competition and uniform purchases.  He was very pleasant on the phone and sent us money to help with our fundraising.

Boy, how life has drastically changed for me since those college years and how the focus of my thoughts is so different!

Well, must run make four breaksfasts before the madness begins (again)!  Can I get a “hotty totty”?  My MSU friends aren’t going to like that!