Tag Archives: napa

Planning all of the time

Another day of studies here at home.  So many interruptions today while teaching.. everything from the phone ringing to the UPS guy to a leak in the basement which led to the water service guy appearing and the list goes on.  Comes with the territory but challenging to your rhythm none the less.  I walk in circles all day long going from child to child since they all need my attention.

Tonight, I had dinner with a fellow homeschooling mom and another mom in the engineering trade to discuss what opportunities and experiences we could create for our kids and possibly other homeschooling families.  Excited to see what might develop from our meeting of the minds:)  What a different world this engineering mom leads compared to my daily life.  I am a little jealous of her professional environment. I miss being called “Dr. Dozier” at times, keeping up on the latest in medical education, and taking care of patients.  That part was really special for me.  Nevertheless, here I am spending a great deal of my time now in my home.  I wear yoga pants, old t-shirts, dirty house shoes, and zippered jackets every day.  I call it my uniform because it’s the same outfit every day. My hair may or may not get combed. There is no make-up worn. The fashion police would arrest me in a heartbeat. That’s what I need!  I need to be on one of those make-over shows so that I can get some new outfits! Reality TV, here I come…

Sauteed some peppers and chicken for dinner-don’t you know that I burned them.


Finding motivation

Monday morning approaches.  We’ve lost an hour of sleep from Daylight Savings Time (not a fan).  Add that to my already sleep-deprived day, and I’m not ready to gear up for academics tomorrow.  Yes, I could totally blow off studies, and we could sit around and do nothing.  You actually could do that as a homeschooler, but that’s not really my nature.  I work by a schedule. I know what needs to be taught and covered, so I must stay focused and persistent. I’ve been reading more on the Chinese culture and their parenting style, so I’m feeling as if I’m in a bit of competition with them and anyone else who’s intense on academics and succeeding.  I don’t want to go out in left field with this, but at the same time, my kids could be trying to get the same jobs or trying to get into the same college as they will try to do one day.  Note that I don’t transfer these feelings onto my kids.  They’re really just something that I’m constantly thinking about to myself, and it drives me to study, research, and refine what we’re doing at home.  Here’s my global thought on the whole bit of all…I want my kids to pursue their interests and where their gifts are.  They don’t have to go down the Ivy League road if it’s not the right fit for them.  However, if they would like to even be competitive for consideration, they have to be prepared for such.  That’s why I desire to train them early with a solid educational foundation. It’s easy to prepare them for anything if started at an early age.  Not so easy when you start late, and then it’s usually too late.


Well, we should probably learn Mandarin Chinese

Just a few articles to read before retiring for the night..

Of note, Duke and NYU are starting campuses overseas. Might be something to think about in the way of your children’s future careers.





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