Tag Archives: nj

The Fog

We had a decent day of academics, but I’m still feeling like I’m in a bit of a fog. I fell asleep while my daughter was reading to me on the couch this afternoon. There was no work-out today, but sometimes that’s just the way it goes. I’m looking forward to getting my energy back, so I’m cutting this post short to catch up on some sleep.










Chicken Nuggets

I admit that I enjoy fast-food meals periodically. We stay on the go so much that it’s easy to swing through the drive-through. I especially love McDonald’s french fries and their hot caramel sundae with nuts-yum. However, I try to limit those excursions, especially since I’ve been paying more attention lately to these processed-sorts of meals loaded with who-knows-what.


CBS3 Phili News and Weather station tour

My daughter felt so much better when she awoke this morning and thankfully was fever-free. Good thing since we were to spend the day at one of our local museums, the Franklin Institute. The museum holds periodic homeschool workshops and if our schedule permits, we try and attend those as they are quite informative and interesting.

So, upon arrival to the museum this morning, my oldest son joined along side the other students participating in the “spy” workshop, and the other three children and I spent the day walking through the exhibits and seeing the various demonstrations. The institute was holding a “weather” demonstration at 11:30. I was actually looking forward to the instruction because weather/natural disasters are the focus of our Legos club that I’m coaching. I thought the kids might learn some new things about weather, so we went to the third floor hall to listen. Fortunately for us, one of the meteorologists from CBS3 news in Phili, Steve Strouss, was helping to lead the discussion on weather. The session lasted about 20 minutes, and the kids were able to see some very interesting demonstrations such as making a cloud, hearing thunder and seeing lightning, feeling the cold air stream, and observing convection and evaporation in action. These kinds of demos I cannot replicate in my kitchen! Good stuff..Once our time had concluded, Mr. Strouss asked if there were any questions from the audience, so I asked him if the station gave tours to the public. He responded with “not usually,”etc, but then went on to say that he would help us today by giving us a tour if we could be at the station later in the afternoon. You can imagine that I was very excited for my children to have this kind of opportunity for a behind-the-scenes tour, and I was a little giddy myself. We spent the rest of the afternoon touring the museum until it was time to walk to the T.V. station. The distance was about 6 blocks which we were happy to do. I love walking the streets of Philadelphia seeing the historical buildings. Such character.

When we arrived at CBS3, the security guard let us in and told us Mr. Strouss (Steve) was expecting our arrival. I signed myself and the children in, and we waited for my girlfriend to arrive with her children. (She had also been at the demonstration.) I then learned that Steve was really the coordinator of the weather teams, so meteorology was only part of his skills set. Steve kindly met us in the lobby and immediately began our tour. I loved every minute of it, and the kids did, too. We saw part of their live news report taped along with meeting many familiar faces such as Pat Ciarrocchi, Carol Erikson, Natasha Brown, and Chris May. Steve showed us different sets, the green room, the make-up room, and the many rooms of computer terminals. Everyone we met went out of their way to say “hello” to the children and couldn’t have been nicer. I truly could not have asked for anything better, especially since I didn’t plan any of it! It serves to be at the right place at the right time. The pictures below tell the story..

Some comments from my children on the ride home to NJ:

“That tour made the entire day.”

“I want to be like Mr. Strouss.”

“I want Mr. Strouss’s job.”

“Mom, can we watch the CBS3 weather station instead of the weather channel now?” (I, of course, responded with a “yes”.

Well, it’s evening again and again, I’m exhausted. Tomorrow is staring me in the face, so I must prep for academics and robotics club and soccer and gymnastics and that’s just tomorrow.

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Air Force One

Interesting thing today-as I was driving to the gym and playing taxi driver for the kids, I noticed what looked to be a presidential marine helicopter sitting on the ground out of the corner of my eye. It was parked in a schoolyard field. I then noticed news crews not too far away from the helicopter, so of course, I had to pull over to attempt to find out what was going on. I was told by an onlooking by-stander that the aircraft had been traveling with President Obama’s team on their way back home to Virginia after his visit to the Jersey shore. Supposedly, the helicopter hit a bird which resulted in their emergency landing. I read tonight on the news report that it wasn’t a presidential trip nor did they mention a bird strike-go figure. Regardless, my son enjoyed seeing the helicopter. I felt badly for the pilots, though. Stranded in a field wearing flight suits for hours during the heat of the day is no fun. I know because I’ve worn those same suits when I was a flight doc. They do not breathe!
Seeing the aircraft reminded me of the days when my husband worked as an Air Force One agent while I was in medical school. If you’ve ever seen the movie, “Air Force One” by National Geographic, you would have seen him.  He is featured working with the pilot of Air Force One taking care of the plane while President Clinton was in office. I actually had the opportunity to tour the plane on the ground a couple of times, and it is beautiful. I presented a paper on presidential physicians when I was in medical school and was able to meet one of Clinton’s physicians on a trip. There are fun little presidential trinkets in my house such as Christmas cards sent from the White House and presidential M and M’s that you’d dare not eat now. I used to have high hopes of practicing medicine in some unique arena such as that. Little did I know these people called “children” would reroute my life!
In that vein, I must prep for what lies ahead whether it’s teaching on great pieces of literature or running a Fortune 500 company. I can still dream:)












Exploring the world of robotics with your child-FLL and Jr FLL


A couple of years ago I ran a junior First Lego League club for my oldest son and some of his friends.  Every Friday night they’d gather in my basement for a couple of hours to work on a project that was given to us by US First. The boys were featured in one of our local newspapers which I’ve included below.

If you don’t know what US First, FLL, Junior FLL, or any of the more advanced robotics teams are, I encourage you to take a few minutes and look over US First’s website.  Their events are top-notch, and the experiences the kids have can really open up some doors towards their future.

We’ve recently made the decision to transition back into this arena with our oldest son, but we’ll be entering the FLL age group this time.  The FLL age group demands much more time and devotion to the project by the kids and the families, and the competitions can be quite intense.  We’re fortunate to be linked up with a stellar crew for the upcoming school year.  Should be great fun for all.



Pizza, pizza, pizza!

No, I’m not referring to dinner, although we eat pizza quite a bit. I’m referring to the beginner ski position of how to stop yourself when plowing down the slope. I’m sure I said the word “pizza” today many times over. We took the kids day/night skiing at one of the local resorts in PA. The older boys did really well and appreciated the fact that skiing in control allows you to challenge yourselves on more difficult terrain. The bottom 2 are still learning how to turn and how to stop. Hence, the word “pizza” that came out of my mouth quite a bit today! My daughter just points her skiis directly down the trail, and you just hope you can keep up with her speed before she reaches the bottom. My youngest son requires you to hold on to him as you both attempt to make it down without falling. He feels like a ton of bricks that I’m trying to keep from toppling over. There’s just not much help from him in the way of effort just yet. My legs are screaming at me right now because of the repetitive isometric tension on them all day. Oh, well. We had a good time.
So, we didn’t have our typical academic day, today. But, we listened to the audio book, “Johnny Tremain” by Esther Forbes during our travels to the lodge. This book is on my son’s reading list for this year, so I was thrilled that the library had an audio copy of it. My husband is actually enjoying listening to the story, as well.
Never miss an opportunity to learn about something new.
















