Tag Archives: Norman Rockwell

I love Grandma Moses


Grandma Moses’s life story is so inspiring to me.  I’ll tell you why.

I’ve put my own life “on hold”, if you will, to teach and raise our children with the help of my husband.  I’ve seen my own selfish dreams have to take the back-burner as I’m consumed with the everyday duties of homeschooling our children.  I’ve no regrets or major complaints, and I do feel this is the right thing for our family at present.  That being said, I do miss having the opportunity to be able to fulfill some of my own goals in life, those big dreamy-dreams that you see yourself doing.  So, I found it so encouraging to review how Grandma Moses was able to create these beautiful things in her seventies!  Love it!  What an inspiration to all Moms out there, not just homeschooling Moms, and to remember there’s a season for everything.