Tag Archives: passion

How to encourage independent learning in your child


My oldest kids listen to their history stories sitting on bean bags in their closet and seem to enjoy this time.  A nice surprise for me was that they did this on their own today without instruction or encouragement.  I try to pick-up on what their interests are and provide books and experiences encompassing those loves.  Not always easy.  There’s also a part of learning that says to expose your child to many different subjects in the grammar stage, and that they’re too young to really know what their interests are yet.


Another good read..

The Independent Learner: Tip No. 2

July 25, 2011 By debrabell Leave a Comment

Build on their interests…

I want to pick up where I left off last post — If you want to raise an independent learner, then build your program around your child’s interests. Independent learners are intrinsically motivated to learn. And interest is the fuel of that intrinsic motivation. You want to keep that fuel in abundant supply.  If you don’t build on your children’s interests, then they will lose interest; and you will be dragging your kids through the curriculum, instead of greasing the rails of independent learning.

Here’s an idea for building on interest.  First, make a list of topics your child finds interesting.  Then brain storm ( with your child if he or she is old enough) about all the possible lines of investigation to pursue in each subject area





Have I lost my own identity?

Now, instead of taking caring of patients as “Dr. Dozier”, I do things like wearing scrubs to the library and reading books to the children during story-hour.  Did all of that medical training go to waste?  I don’t think so.  Everything has a season.  I hope to one day write medical books for children, something I work on in the wee hours of the night when everyone’s sleeping.  If only I didn’t have to sleep!

What’s your passion?  Don’t lose your own self-interests during your homeschooling season.  Maybe one day you’ll have that free time again (but don’t rush it:0)

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