Tag Archives: research paper

Fifth Element

Remember that movie with Bruce Willis and the supermodel alien girl, Milla something?  And remember that scene where she watches all of these videos trying to learn an enormous amount of information?  I feel like her character sometimes.  I’m trying to learn tons of  information that either my kids are learning simultaneously, or that I’m trying to learn to help me to become a better teacher.  Only wish I was absorbing as much as Milla did in that movie.

The schedule today was full as usual. I went from kid to kid to kid teaching the different math levels and giving them independent problems and drills to do when they weren’t one on one with me. I threw something together for lunch, and we spent the afternoon going over co-op homework and making Valentine’s day cards to exchange with friends tomorrow. It was fun to work on the cards with them. Sometimes it’s just nice to break from the busy academics and spend time together doing miscellaneous things. It’s those moments that especially remind me to make mental notes of how their hands look or how their noses curve or how their hair lays a certain way. I know I will blink, and my children will be young adults going off into the world, so I really try to cherish our time together.

The evening was spent assisting my fifth grader with his research paper before I scurried off to a homeschool meeting. Upon returning, I prepped for my co-op classes that I’ll be teaching tomorrow after catching the end of the State of the Union address. I wonder if that 102 year old lady had any idea where she was. She was such a cutie!

Right now, it’s 1:00 a.m., and I’m reviewing history timeline cards from Veritas Press. Our students at Excelsior co-op memorize these cards during the school year and recite them from memory. They are a great resource tool to have in your home studies. They are pricey ($100 for the set) but worth every penny. I’m still memorizing them myself, so I have to keep reviewing. Must sleep soon..






