Tag Archives: roller coasters


Yesterday, we spent the fourth at home. Nothing exciting. Hubby was working, and I spent quite a bit of the day working again with my daughter on math and spelling/phonics. We ended the day watching parts of the movie, “Independence Day” with Will Smith. I had to fast forward through several parts, and there’s quite a bit of language in there. It’s tough choosing movies when you have a preteen followed by several young elementary-age kids. I use these movie moments to discuss what we consider appropriate, etc. Of course, I can go deeper in discussions with my preteen. That was followed by me staying up until 3 A.M. cleaning the basement.  It looks like something exploded down there.  So much to organize before I can start painting and moving the schoolroom downstairs-summer project. Looking at Pinterest for ideas.
Today, I bagged academics, and we spent the day at Six Flags. It was so hot, so we wore swimsuits and tried to stay cool by riding the water rides. I love Six Flags not only for the coasters, but it’s prime people watching. It’s like going to the airport. You could sit on a bench for hours and just observe people’s behavior. A quick dip in the pool tonight on returning home, and it’s time for bed. I don’t smell great, either. Something about combining sweat, greasy food, and lots of people..
Tomorrow, game on again. I will be focusing on reading and cursive with my daughter. We may actually finish by this weekend-oh happy day!

I saw that NPR reported some South American countries are coming to Snowden’s aid.  Wonder how that’s going to go over. I admittedly don’t know details of the story that well, and I’m certain there are many things not being told. I just go back to the question of who is screening applicants for these types of high security jobs? Didn’t he go from being a security guard at the NSA to working with some firm with a top-secret clearance and making six figures, all with a high school degree, yes? Maybe I should do away with encouraging college for my kids-ha!















