Tag Archives: Rosetta Stone

Mommy, you’re being mean

I am caught up on every subject with my kids except for math. By “caught up” I mean that I’ve covered what I wanted to cover for that particular module except for math. I have a schedule planned out for the year give or take a few weeks for vacation or simply taking time off. However, today math needed a bit more attention, so I spent the time working with each child on various topics. That may sound extreme, but the day seems to fly by during the day, not to mention we started really late,10:30 to be exact. We all slept in, and I cooked pancakes for breakfast. It was a cold and rainy day, so warm pancakes and fresh fruit hit the spot. Intermixed were reading and learning videos, but we really focused on math skills for the most part.

My daughter told me I was being mean at one point during my teaching, but I explained how important it is for her to know her facts and to read well. She, more than any of them, will act like she can’t do something when I know all to well that she can. No nonsense from me, sorry. I told her that doing well in her studies was her job right now just like my job was to ensure that she do well. She can thank me in 10 years (I hope). Cracking the invisible whip…
I’m hoping to clean my dirty house this weekend, but, as usual, the weekend is packed full of activities, none of which includes a complimentary nanny or chef or maid service or wardrobe stylist. I think I’ve worn my “Bar Harbor” old t-shirt every day this week without washing it. Don’t be jealous. Such is the life:) Off to gear up for tomorrow. Cheers!












What’s the value of the esteemed “International Baccalaureate Program”?

A new topic for me to learn about:  the IB program.  I’ve just recently discovered this curriculum.  A cousin of mine is teaching at a UN school overseas using this program, and I understand her to be very satisfied with it.

I’ve been reading more about what they offer.  The program does not appear to be available to homeschoolers, but I still am trying to understand why they believe they offer the most rigorous and superior education out there.

A few links:




I was talking to my homeschooling girlfriend about the IB program.  (Her son was early accepted to U of Penn this year). Her take on their curriculum was not so positive.  The statistics do not appear to add up.  The kids in these programs are not getting high SAT scores.  They are not ending up in the Ivies,  or becoming proficient in a foreign language as is required.  The program is very expensive, and mystery seems to surround the curriculum as to keep the parents in the dark.

I, truthfully, have no idea, but I do plan on researching this topic.  Please post if you have any insight or background with this curriculum so that others may benefit.

P.S.-finally bought an I-PAD!  The problem is I don’t have the time to even open the package and read about it!  We’ve had it for 2 weeks.

Language immersion for the whole family while on vacation

My oldest kids are being tutored in Latin (watered-down Wheelock’s) and French (Rosetta Stone and in-home tutor).  Of course, the ideal way to learn the romance language of French is to immerse yourself in the culture.  A goal of mine for our family!  Good read below.  I was interested to see the programs being offered in Minnesota, also..


Bilingual All the Way: Language Immersion Vacations for the Whole Family




Help me, Homer Price!

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By the time bedtime rolls around, I’m exhausted! I need the day to end so that I can eat ice cream with my husband and watch some meaningless movie where I don’t have to think!