Tag Archives: scat

Dangerous weather

We’ve had some rough winter weather recently. I was thankful this morning that my kids were safe at home with me, because it was sleeting and the roads were covered in ice. It was especially nice to stay in our pajamas while studying math.
We actually slept until 10:00 this morning. I had stayed up until 4 a.m. working on a variety of things, so you can imagine that my body did not want to get out of bed at 7 which is my goal wake-up time. I hit the snooze button repeatedly. I was only able to cover mathematics and reading before we quickly had to switch gears and prepare for our FLL and JrFLL meetings. Both teams have upcoming competitions and expos, so we were busy prepping for those events. I’m coaching the junior group with the help of another mom, and this age is great fun to work with.
I’ve been thinking about how much of a rate-limiting factor I may be in my children’s education. I mean that from the perspective that there’s only one of me and four of them. Could they be learning more and faster if I were using more technology as an educational aid? A topic for me to research further..


